And I'm adding another mysterious song sung in Czech.

Hier ist alles erlaubt, was nicht in "Deutsche Oldies" paßt.

Moderator: Manfred

Beiträge: 184
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. November 2018, 18:58

And I'm adding another mysterious song sung in Czech.

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Do any of you know who originally sang it (probably in English)?
The Czech version is probably from 1971.
Beiträge: 184
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. November 2018, 18:58

Re: And I'm adding another mysterious song sung in Czech.

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I got a tip that it might originally be a Cliff Richard's song.
I can imagine Cliff Richard singing it in English. But which of his songs could it be? I haven't found it yet.
Beiträge: 184
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. November 2018, 18:58

Re: And I'm adding another mysterious song sung in Czech.

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It seems strange (bizarre) to me that no one today remembers a song originally sung in English,
which reached (then) socialist Central Europe and has a Czech version.